Education: Forever Clear BBL Benefits

Forever Clear BBL™ can be a great option for both teens and adults living with active acne. The treatment can be performed on most areas of the body, with the most common treatment sites being the face, neck, and back. Those who undergo the treatment can often experience the following benefits:
  • Resolution of active acne
  • More even skin tone
  • Less noticeable pores
  • Reduction in future outbreaks
How it works

Step 1: Skin is treated with BLUE BBL Light Therapy to eliminate acne-causing bacteria at its source, deep down in the pores

Step 2: Skin is then treated with YELLOW BBL Light Therapy to reduce inflammation and acne associated redness to give you healthy, luminous skin.

Step 3: For added benefit, the skin is then treat with INFRA-RED Light Therapy in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process.

Step 4: Follow-up. At your follow-up appointment we will create a personalized skincare plan which may include additional treatments, as well as customized skincare regimen. 

Forever Clear BBL, acne treatment